The Year of the Rooster Begins!

Looking back, 2016 was an incredible year for Motor City Tai Chi (MCTC). In addition to our Warren location, I decided to bring Tai Chi to the cities of Detroit and Troy. It has been very gratifying to help students from all walks of life that are trying to improve their health and learn about this ancient Chinese martial art.

One of my most exciting highlights of 2016 was when MCTC was selected by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to create a special Tai Chi program for local High School students. Martial Arts has had a lasting impact on my life, so it is important to me to share this experience with young students who are still trying to find their way.

Looking forward to 2017, the year of the Rooster, I am very positive and optimistic. May it be a Healthy and Happy New Year!

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Interactive Presentation for Students at Bloomfield Hills High School

I was invited to present Tai Chi to a roomful of juniors and seniors last week at Bloomfield Hills High School.

After a short introduction and overview of the history of Wu Style Tai Chi, I performed part of the 108 Hand Form. Chinese string music was played in the background.

Before the audience got too comfortable I asked them to get up and learn some basic Tai Chi moves. Even taking a single step forward brought giggles and laughter out of some. Balancing on one foot wasn't that easy after all! It may even have been slightly frustrating at first. But before long, the students learned the first five movements of the Hand Form.

A new appreciation was discovered for this Ancient art form. An intended 45 minute presentation turned into 90 minutes. It was truly an enjoyable event and several students expressed interest in signing up for Beginner Tai Chi classes.

Weekend Tai Chi at the Detroit Zoo

Last summer members of the Michigan Wu Style Tai Chi Schools were invited to participate in a Family Health Awareness program at the Detroit Zoo. It was a beautiful morning and were were fortunate to have a great location for our demo. During the time allotted to us we performed a short version of our hand form. Following that we invited our audience to join in to learn some of our Tai Chi moves.

A series of basic repetitive moves were introduced. Thanks to the many qualified instructors on hand it didn't take long to get some good results in a relative short time. Everyone had a lot of fun! It seemed as many happy faces really enjoyed learning some basic Tai Chi moves and getting an appreciation of this beautiful art form.